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English certified translation online

Certified English legal and financial translations

At The Native Translator, our translators are accustomed to handling a wide range of document types. Whatever the nature and complexity of the document, we can translate it between 25 language combinations directly online and another 100+ via our partner The Business Translator. 

With English the world’s de facto business language, it’s no surprise that the bulk of our certified translations involve rendering documents into or from English. Quite simply, The Native Translator are the English translation experts. No other agency can match us when it comes to price and speed of service. With the ability to supply up to three pages of certified English translation in just 24 hours, we’re as quick as we are accurate. 

English translation to more than 100 languages

We appreciate that English translation covers diverse disciplines and often incorporates complex and specialist terminology. Accurate English translations call for using the appropriate terms for the appropriate context. In order to ensure this, we assemble translation glossaries that contain terms unique to your business or industry. Moreover, our project managers can help with localisation projects in more than 100 languages. We work in close collaboration with our clients to deliver multilingual translations destined for foreign investors, local markets and overseas audiences.

Get your translation quote online

We can translate all of your English materials into over 100 languages whilst ensuring that nothing gets lost in the process. We will strive to find the perfect style to suit your project by matching you with the best translation team for the job. If you need a reliable translation service – one that can rapidly respond to your needs – The Native Translator has the solution. To find out more, just click on the Get a Quote button on the right hand side or drop us an e-mail.

The Native Translator is a professional translation agency and part of the Swiss-based The Translator Group, we are certified in accordance with both the EN-15038 and the North American CAN/CGSB 131.10 standards.

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